
最后更新:11月. 4, 2020

(10月. 29, 2020)

Financial Results and Progress under the Management Plan for the 2Q of FY2020

About conditions in the three strategic fields of the HPP Company and other matters


In addition to conditions in the global automobile market exceeding assumptions, 销售趋势归因于专注于高性能层间膜的新应用的上升. We believe this is the result of ongoing sales activities.

  • *HPP Company:High Performance Plastics Company

在一些情况下,十大赌博娱乐平台的产品在切换到新型号的同时被采用. Once again, this is the result of past sales activities.

(演示幻灯片第9页和第16页)就移动领域第四季度的净销售额而言, 如果不包括新纳入合并范围的公司的贡献,您是否能够实现超过上一年水平的计划?

In the 4Q last year, the manufacture of automobiles in 中国 had already been suspended. The production of automobiles in 欧洲 and the U.S. 也在3月份大幅下降. 考虑到这些因素, 十大赌博娱乐平台的计划是基于这样一个假设:今年第四季度的汽车生产数量基本上会回到去年的水平.

(Page 17 of the presentation slides) While sales of products for the Non-LCD field are expanding, what are your plans in light of such factors as the impact of regulations imposed by the U.S. 中国在电子领域的发展?

While sales of products for the Non-LCD field expanded steadily up to the 2Q, we expect export restrictions imposed by the U.S. on 中国 will have some impact in the 2H. While anticipating a decline in demand from certain customers, especially for heat release materials for 5G base stations, 只要总体需求不下降,其他客户的订单实际上在增加,十大赌博娱乐平台就不会看到严重的影响.

How much do you expect sales of heat release materials will increase in the fiscal year under review?

We project sales to climb around 50% compared with the previous year mainly for 5G base stations.

About aircraft-related business conditions

(演示幻灯片第16页和28页)查看其他公司与飞机相关的业务业绩, a large number are reporting a drop in sales from the 2Q. Can you tell us about the Company's results and plans?

As far as SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION's earnings in the HPP Company are concerned, we believe that the accuracy of current plans is high. 十大赌博娱乐平台的计划是基于这样的假设,即需求将略低于客户公司在7月底宣布的生产速度, 包括波音公司, 主要客户. In the UIEP Company's aircraft-related sheet business, plans are in line with the facility operating rates of direct seat manufacturing customers.

  • *UIEP公司:城市基础设施 & 环保产品公司
(演示幻灯片第16页和28页)飞机相关业务似乎正在进行各种精简, 生产结构优化, 还有其他措施. 你能否提供具体情况?

A. 按计划进行, SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION正在寻求完成在美国华盛顿州的三家工厂的合并.S. into two factories by the end of the fiscal year under review. As far as the sheet business is concerned, a review of certain development and sales operations, focusing mainly on production base optimization in the U.S.,于上半年末完成. 前进, steps will be taken to shift management resources to medical- and railway-related fields.

(幻灯片第16页)您对SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION商誉和无形非流动资产减值的风险有何看法? 没有采取任何措施下调本集团对所审查财政年度的底线预测. Can we assume that the risk of significant impairment has receded?

商誉和无形非流动资产的购买价格分配尚未最终确定,部分原因是新冠肺炎疫情限制了会计人员的流动. 在未来, 某些无形非流动资产将在比收购时更严格地估计飞机相关需求后进行评估. 说到这里, 就金额而言, we do not believe it will have a major impact on bottom line plans for the fiscal year under review.

(演示幻灯片的第15页和第16页)你对SEKISUI宇航公司的利润和亏损有什么预测? Can we assume that the operating loss will narrow substantially in the 4Q?

十大赌博娱乐平台希望在非合并的基础上平衡SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION的利润和亏损.

About 住房 Company result, order plans, and other matters

(19页, 21 and 22 of the presentation slides) While new housing orders exceeded plans in the 1H, why is there essentially no change in the forecast for 2H operating income?

订单计划是基于商业环境将在下半年恢复正常的假设. Currently, the impact is still being felt. 在很大程度上, 预计将在第三季度收到订单的房地产下半年销售额将低于最初的计划. 此外, 十大赌博娱乐平台预计重建和其他需求的复苏将比这一时期开始时的预测要慢. 十大赌博娱乐平台预计产品组合将略有恶化,因此维持营业收入预期基本不变.

(演示幻灯片第20页)上半年固定成本的削减超出了计划,主要是在住房业务. Can you provide us with specific details? Do you intend to continue implementing the same reduction and management measures in the 2H?

在1H, 通过控制以工厂参观等大型活动为中心的活动,以及推进数字营销等举措,成功地减少了主要是促销费用. 同时,十大赌博娱乐平台将继续致力于减少促销费用,提高业务运营效率, we will undertake strategic investments in such areas as experience-based showrooms.

(幻灯片第22页)预计房屋展览的参观人数将在下半年达到去年水平的80%左右. 您是否也预计未来的数字会保持不变,不会回到covid -19前的水平?

回顾一下1H, 由于政府宣布全国进入紧急状态等因素,这一数字在第一季度急剧下降至去年同期的28%. 在第二季度,这个数字提高到了80%. 说到这里, the temporary spread of the pandemic also pushed down the number of visitors in the 2Q. With this in mind, we believe that a recovery to prior levels will take some time. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 提前收集信息的网上顾客正在大幅增加. 随着客户数量的增加,他们首先在网上收集信息,然后参观展览,以获得第一手了解十大赌博娱乐平台的产品, 十大赌博娱乐平台也将重点关注这一领域.

About UIEP Company prioritized product sales growth

(演示幻灯片第29页)预计下半年UIEP公司优先产品的销售额将大幅增长. What factors do you see contributing to this growth? Can we expect the same level of growth from the next fiscal year?

Results were impacted by stoppages in construction in the 1H. In addition to the portion of sales that were subsequently carried forward into the 2H, new products are also contributing to sales. While focusing on expanding sales of prioritized products since FY2017, the rate of sales growth has exceeded 10% each period including the fiscal year under review. 展望未来, 十大赌博娱乐平台将继续执行现有措施,包括从2021财年开始开发和推出新产品,重点是保持每年至少10%的销售增长率.


(Page 39 of the presentation slides) The balance of inventories as of September 30, 2020 compared with the balance as of March 31, 2020 was lower than the balance as of June 30, 2020年7月31日, 2020, when details of 1Q results were announced. 说到这里, 截至9月30日的余额, 2020 came in at a higher level than the end of September in the previous year. Is the disposition of inventories that have accumulated because of COVID-19 progressing?

With the exception of the 住房 segment, where we are strategically increasing inventories including ready-built houses, 与3月底相比,金额正在减少,总体上已恢复到较适宜的水平. Despite sales not having fully recovered because of the impact of COVID-19, and the slight deterioration in such indicators as inventory turnover, we do not sense any feelings of excess compared with the previous year, and anticipate the future recovery in sales will help resolve this issue.

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